WILLEMSTAD - Korpodeko feels honored and very excited to host the 52nd edition of the General Assembly of "Asociación Latinoamericana de Instituciones Financieras para el Desarrollo" (ALIDE) next year in the month of May 2022. This is the second time that Korpodeko will organize this general international meeting where representatives of the development banks and multilateral agencies of Latin America, Caribbean, Europe and Asia will be present to elaborate on the themes that the international agencies will define together during the coming months.
ALIDE is a community of Development Banks that brings together financial institutions as well as multilateral organizations such as CAF, Interamerican Development Bank, World Bank, European Development Bank and many more, thus providing program, procedure and cooperation to accelerate the development process in Latin America and the Caribbean. ALIDE consists of 85 development banks in 22 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, but also from Europe (Germany, Spain, France, Portugal), Canada, China, India and Russia, as well as regional and multilateral financial organizations are part of the organization of ALIDE with headquarters in Lima, Peru.
Korpodeko, as the development bank of Curaçao for 19 years already, is also a member of the association and has been commissioned for the second time to host the General Assembly of ALIDE next year. Director of Korpodeko and also member and former vice president of the board of ALIDE, Mr. Chesron Isidora, is pleased that the conference will once again take place in Curaçao. This is an opportune moment to organize a quality event here that can offer the leaders, participants and our community the space to exchange views and develop good connections in order to stimulate funding for the benefit of the sustainable development of our community and also the development of Europe, Latin America and the entire Caribbean.
The General Assembly is the highest body of the association and counts on the participation of all the prominent leaders. Once a year, the delegates of the countries meet in a council and several special meetings to discuss the themes of the different commissions that can influence the development of the countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. "The conference provides an opportunity for the leaders to share their experiences, networks and establish cooperation agreements in order to formulate a vision with which our region can have a greater impact on the challenges facing the economy," Mr. Isidora expressed.
This is, according to Mr. Isidora, a great and unique opportunity for Curaçao to show how a small island can be great.We are only a small part in ALIDE, but still everyone is impressed that Curaçao and Korpodeko is able to organize a conference of this size for the second time. In addition, Mr. Isidora brings up the opportunities that this conference can offer Curaçao. "Dignitaries of the region - and development agencies of greater influence in the region and on a global level - will come to Curaçao for the conference and we hope that they will come back afterwards. This conference will give Curaçao and Korpodeko the opportunity to demonstrate what we can offer. In the future, this may lead to more and better cooperation with other members at a time when Curaçao needs help with our own sustainable investment projects."