Errol Cova must save refinery and country?

With dismay, I watched the images of the TeleCuraçao news on Tuesday evening. In what civilized country do trade unions demand that the government come to their headquarters to give an account? The dinosaur stood by and looked at it: Errol Cova.

The man who at that time destroyed (Air) ALM (local aviation company), which during the government of Gerrit Schotte and Pueblo Soberano was apparently on a 'sabbatical'. Has caused a turmoil in the education sector. He was also there when the Dutch company KPN was rejected when they wanted to invest in Setel (the later UTS).

Who in 1998 went against the austerity measures of then Prime Minister of the Netherlands Antilles Miguel Pourier, which cost the country 100 million. Who expressed solidarity with Hugo Chávez. That time and time again traveled to Miraflores in Caracas without PdVSA having made one serious commitment. That stopped when Venezuela introduced a travel ban last year.

Who kept his mouth shut when Werner Wiels misused 18 million guilders in RdK, etc. etc. etc. It is remarkable that after years, we hear him the week before the 'spontaneous' strikes with criticism on the government and the covenant with the Netherlands. This man must save the refinery and the country now? How do the unions think that an American company is ever interested in investing money here?


Name known to the editor,
