WILLEMSTAD - Minister Javier Silvania of Finance is providing clarification regarding a Facebook post he made last week. The post in question mentions the government's purchase of the property where the former Campo Alegre brothel was and connects it with the Catholic Church.
In the post, the minister writes that the Catholic Church was one of the actors advocating for the opening of the brothel. Silvania stated, "This message has nothing to do with the recent purchase of the former brothel. My message refers to the history of Campo Alegre, particularly how Campo came into existence."
According to the minister, several historians have conducted research into the reasons behind the opening of Campo Alegre and the individuals who made it possible. He clarified, "My message is based on various studies conducted concerning the history of Campo Alegre. Anyone can learn about this history and the research that has been conducted."
The minister referred to an article in the Dutch newspaper Trouw, which mentioned that the Council of Churches helped establish Campo Alegre during the Second World War.
Silvania's Facebook post sparked shocked reactions on social media because people associated the purchase with the Catholic Church. The minister denies that this was the intention of his message. He has since removed the post due to inappropriate comments and has issued an apology for his statements.