Young people lack trust in Curaçao's politics

WILLEMSTAD - Young people in Curaçao have little trust in politics. This is the conclusion of a report prepared by Member of Parliament Gwendell Mercelina in collaboration with local and international parties. The report includes recommendations aimed at increasing youth involvement in the political process and restoring their confidence in the system. 

The report identifies several reasons for the distrust. For example, working youth express disappointment due to unfulfilled promises. Students cite corruption and lack of transparency as major issues. The least wealthy youth feel inadequately represented and see little interest from politicians in their circumstances. 

Other barriers include a lack of political education, cronyism, and poor communication from the government. These factors contribute to the feeling among young people that their voices are not being heard. 

Recommendations for Change 

The report highlights three key pillars for restoring young people's trust in Curaçao's politics. First, it advocates for education, with political knowledge being integrated into the school curriculum. By providing young people with insight into how the political system works from an early age, they can develop a better understanding of their role in the democracy. 

Second, fostering youth participation is seen as crucial. Platforms such as a youth parliament and a youth think tank would provide young people with the opportunity to actively engage in the political process. These initiatives would not only give them a platform to voice their opinions but also a space to propose ideas and solutions to issues that affect them. 

A third focus is transparency. By establishing open communication channels and holding politicians accountable for their decisions, young people can regain trust in the political system.
