WILLEMSTAD - General Pension Fund Curaçao (APC) is taking an important step in the redevelopment of the Waterfort Plaza. The approach and process for redeveloping the Waterfort Plaza project is implemented responsibly and with the necessary caution in order to build a safe and better future. Together with stakeholders, we are preparing a sustainable redevelopment for this unique part of Punda.
Safety is a priority
An important part is to take the necessary steps to ensure the safety of the building workers helping us redevelop this unique project. Together with a team of experts, we have done thorough research, and the findings showcased that parts of the hotel complex contain asbestos-containing material (ACM). Prior to 1994 asbestos was used in a variety of different building materials and products, including cement. Asbestos-containing material that isn’t easily damaged won’t release asbestos fibers and does not usually pose a health risk. However, the removal of asbestos during the dismantling process must be carefully executed to protect the safety of building workers. Therefore we will commence as soon as possible with the removal of asbestos. A careful process will commence around end of August, 2022 with a certified contractor to remove the asbestos in a professional manner. Moreover, the parties involved have already been informed of the planned work and the precautions to be taken.
Taking the next steps
Preparations are currently being made for the removal of asbestos-containing materials and work is underway to revitalize this unique and historic location. Together with other stakeholders, APC is working on creating a shared vision that will ultimately make a positive contribution to the liveliness and further stimulate economic growth for Punda and the rest of Willemstad.