Ferenc Zsolt Szabó appointed as State Secretary for Digitalization and Kingdom Relations on behalf of PVV

THE HAGUE - Ferenc Zsolt Szabó (62), a seasoned VVD politician, has been appointed as the new State Secretary for Digitalization and Kingdom Relations, representing the PVV. Szabó, 62, currently serves as Vice President at Capgemini, an IT company with significant government contracts. 

Szabó's appointment raises some questions, given his apparent lack of connections with the Caribbean parts of the Kingdom. His background is primarily rooted in ICT and development cooperation, areas in which he has extensive experience. Szabó's Hungarian heritage adds a unique dimension to his profile. 

In addition to his role at Capgemini, Szabó is also the Vice Chairman of ECP, a platform dedicated to advancing the information society. His political career includes a tenure from 2003 to 2006 as the VVD's spokesperson for ICT and development cooperation.
