Concrete steps are taken to shape the transition period while the negotiations continue to materialize a durable future for the

WILLEMSTAD - Refineria di Kòrsou (RdK) continues to take steps to shape the transition period that has been agreed during a meeting last week between the RdK and PDVSA last week in Caracas. It needs to be emphasized that the transition period will cover the time laps between after December 31, 2019 till the moment the future partner takes over the operations of the refinery. The agreement for a period of transition should by no means be interpreted as an extension of the present management and operation contract of the refinery.  Both RdK and PDVSA agrees that the terms agreed are to be in accordance with the special license issued by Office for Foreign Asset Control (OFAC.)

A transition period is of vital importance to guaranty a smooth transition of both the facilities and availability of the professionals working on the refinery.  The availability of our professionals at the refinery is one of one of our key strength if compared to other refineries in the region who are trying to restart operation of their refinery.

The Project Management Organization of RdK is meanwhile doing its utmost and is in the final stages of the negotiations to guaranty a durable future for the refinery.  The negotiations were undertaken in accordance with the mandate of the government to RdK.

Both mayor efforts demand serenity and tranquility.  Unnecessary assumptions, at times with the sole purpose to serve own interest, can only jeopardize a successful conclusion of both mayor endeavors.
