CIBC FirstCaribbean joined in thanking the vaccination squad for assisting our community in getting vaccinated

WILLEMSTAD - Curaçao has every reason to be proud to have reached a significant level of vaccination.  All this could not have been possible without the assistance of about 500 dedicated personnel, most of them volunteers that assisted the more than 80,000 members of our community to get vaccinated.

CIBC FirstCaribbean partnered with the Committee responsible for organizing the vaccination of our community in thanking them, on behalf of the community by contributing in the “Thank You” event held recently at the closure of the vaccination centers at Sambil, WTC and SDK. 

Curaçao took a giant leap in the fight against COVID last February 24th when the government initiated a project to get the community vaccinated.  Key to the success of this major effort, next to surpassing major organizational and logistical challenges and convincing the community to get out and get vaccinated, was getting the personnel engaged with getting those interested vaccinated. 

“CIBC FirstCaribbean thanks the 500 personnel involved in this monumental effort.  We contributed with a small gesture to thank the personnel at the vaccinating stations and all involved in the project.  You proved again that when the going gets tough we can show the best of us.  We thank you again on behalf of our bank and the community.” said Timba Engelhardt, Country Head of CIBC FirstCaribbean.

The effort by the government continues to convince members of the community to get vaccinated. The vaccinating activities will continue at one single location (SEHOS) and during neighborhood visits.  Most of the volunteers will return to their normally daily activities.
